Q. I'm moving. How can I make sure my Washingtonian subscription moves with me?
A. To ensure that your Washingtonian subscription continues without delay when you move, please give us six weeks advance notice, and be sure to include your old address as well as your new information.
Q. One of my Washingtonian issues was never delivered. What should I do?
A. The first issue of your subscription is mailed to you within six weeks of order receipt. Thereafter, you should receive each issue the last week of the month, prior to the cover date (for example, your June issue will arrive the last week in May). If your issue is missing due to error or delivery problems, please notify us and we'll be happy to replace the missing issue or extend your subscription for an extra issue.
Q. How do I know if my subscription (or renewal) payment was received?
A. Please allow four weeks for payment processing. If at this time your payment has not been applied to your subscription, we request the canceled check information (check number, amount, date written, date cleared) so that we may add this to your account. You may contact our Circulation Department for payment confirmation.
Q. How can I tell when my subscription is going to expire?
A. Your expiration date is printed on the upper right-hand corner of your mailing label (month and year of your last issue). You may also contact the Circulation Department to inquire about your expiration or renewal status.
Q. How do I order a gift subscription to Washingtonian?
A. A subscription to Washingtonian makes a great gift for birthdays, holidays, or as a welcoming or farewell gift to your friends and family. To give Washingtonian, we will need your billing address as well as the names and addresses of each person on your gift list. At your request, we'll even send a gift card!
To contact Washingtonian's Circulation Department, call (800) 365-7050, send us an e-mail at washsub@washingtonian.com, or send a letter to:
Circulation Department
1775 K St NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20006
Other Questions?
E-mail the Circulation Department at washsub@washingtonian.com.